Dealing with Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression is something that a lot of people actually suffer from. It is extremely common in the fall and only subsiding in the spring. That’s typical as most people hate winter and all the things that it is associated with. Cold; rain; snow etc. Not being out in the warmth can really have a negative affect on you.

However, there is a seasonal depression that nobody talks about. That is summer depression. Summer depression is really an interesting thing. Summer is supposed to be filled with happy memories, doing fun things and just being happy -which is coming back to people suffering from winter seasonal depression. There are a number of reasons that you could suffer from seasonal depression. It could be from a disruption in your schedule; body image issues- summer means less clothes and swimming which is really tough on some people. It doesn’t matter how big or small you are. You could just be really self-conscious and that’s okay. The financial strains could really have an adverse affect on you as people want to be doing more so you have to shell out more money. You generally also go on a vacation so that normally costs quite a significant amount of money. If you are a working parent, you will have to also fork out a lot of money to keep your children occupied at either camp or with a babysitter while you work which can end up being a large amount of money. The heat could be a major cause in you feeling bummed out. When it’s constantly hot with no break, it gets annoying. Getting sweaty by just going on a stroll or walking to the bus stop. It’s frustrating and it’s the worst part of it.

I personally have a hard time in summer. I don’t like the heat and when the sun is beating down on me, mocking me and laughing that I am as pale as a ghost and it’s going to turn me tomato red. The only time I like sweating is when I am having a really intense work out and I don’t appreciate the fact that if I wear a dress, I would have to wear shorts under it or face the fact that I will have raw thighs later due to them rubbing together!

How do I deal with it? To be honest, it’s really hard. I have small things that I do to keep me happy. I always have the air conditioner on. It could be on low but as long as it’s on, it’s okay. I try and get out either in the morning before it’s too hot or at dusk when the heat is breaking. I like to be outside and it’s hard when it’s really hot but those times are the best for me. I stick to going to the gym and taking classes like yoga when I am not motivated to go. It really helps me to go to the gym as it boosts my mood and makes me feel better about myself. I wear clothes that make me feel comfortable. It may mean that I will wear jeans one day because I don’t feel very comfortable with my body and some days I wear a short dress or skirt because I feel good about my body and that’s okay. Another thing that really helps my mood is to clean out my space. It could be just changing my room around a bit or doing a complete overhaul of my room but it always makes me feel better.
Lastly, I try and not beat myself up about not getting out. I will make myself go out for a bit here and there but some days I just don’t want to and you know what? That’s totally okay!
The other night I went to a fair with my boyfriend and friends and that was really great! It was still hot but not horrible and we really enjoyed ourselves even though we only went for an hour or so.
It’s important to recognise your feelings and whether you enjoy being outdoors or rather be inside. You can have board game nights or watch movies. You can also go out either before it gets too hot or when it cools down. It’s really such a personal thing but remember to always do what’s best for you and not always what other people and society expect of you.

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