Hi there and welcome to my little corner on the interwebs. My name is Michelle and I am a South African born New Yorker who is just out here trying to find the best cup of coffee in the world. I moved out of South Africa when I was 19 and lived in New York for a couple years. From there I moved back to South Africa where I studied makeup and became a working makeup artist for a while. I was given the opportunity to work out in The Netherlands for a year at the end of 2017 and obviously had to them up on that! I then returned to New York at the end of 2018.
I am very passionate about a lot of things like makeup and coffee and social media. I, along with my business partner have a social media marketing company called Kaffeine Media Solutions, where we focus on helping small to medium businesses get out there and grow and we use social media to help them do so.
I do hope you stay and read my blog where I talk about more serious stuff but also the fun things. I love doing makeup; traveling; cooking & baking and COFFEE. I am currently on the hunt for the best cup of coffee in New York and I hope that you will join me in searching for it.
If you have any questions or would like to collab (or just be friends) you can contact me via my social media but also via email at [email protected]