Snapshots of New York City

New York is on most people’s bucketlist. Being able to live and breathe the Manhattan air is incredible! Today I wanted to share some snapshots of Manhattan and places that I love but also that every tourist just wants to see. If you have any places that I should see, please let me know in the comments!!

The Empire State Building. Everyone and their mother always want to see this. It’s a great sight to see and it really reminds you that you’re in Manhattan. It’s absolutely beautiful!
The iconic Times Square. This is a place that EVERYONE has a photo of. The rush of tourists; weird people and locals trying to escape it is always interesting to watch.
I loce living out the Gossip Girl scene right here. Grand Central station is just so beautiful and something I love seeing!
Manhattan is an island and what do you need to get to an island? A bridge most of the time. This is the manhattan bridge. I think it’s almost as beautiful as the Brooklyn bridge!
Something that I absolutely love is the buildings in Manhattan. The contrast between the different buildings. Both modern and old just facinates me and I love it so much!!
Another shot of the Empire State building right by Penn station which is where I go to catch my train home. I love seeing it as I leave. It’s a gentle reminder that anything is possible. I worked so hard to live here and it just keeps me in check.


If you have any reccomendations for me to see in New York, let me know. I would love to see them!

1 thought on “Snapshots of New York City”

  1. Pingback: Fall Bucket List Chellemua 2019 - 2020 | Chellemua

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