My 22nd Birthday

My 22nd Birthday

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22!” -Taylor Swift

That is the song my best friend woke me up to on January 19th. She came in, singing and holding 2 large, silver balloons.

I screamed.

This is my first birthday since my mom passed away (she passed away in May 2016) so for the longest time I did not want to do anything to celebrate as I was weighed down by the emotions of said loss.

Thankfully my bestie, Toni, decided to almost bully me into doing something for my birthday, so we did.
We started the night before, making a feast of a dinner and ending the night by singing to Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus at the top of our lungs while drinking a mixture of wine and champagne. The wine wanted to be champagne but failed school so you were able to pop open the wine and then be disappointed when the wine did not have little bubbles in it.

The next morning, Toni made vegan pancakes, along with mimosas. One of my amazing friends, Slade, came to visit and we played the worst game in the world!

Bean Boozled.

We ended the day by going to a Mexican Place, Four15 in Durban North.

In the end I was so glad that I was able to spend the day with people who love me and appreciate me for who I am. I know that my mom, although not here on earth to celebrate with me, will always be in my heart and that my best friend can be a bully but can also bully me into making good decisions.

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